Portable Pull-Up Bar: The Essential Gym for Our Gymnastics Crew
In our family van, packed to the brim with travel essentials, history books, and Spindrift, there’s one piece of equipment that’s a must-have: our trusty pull-up bar. At every stop, we set it up in the rental house doorway, and the kids take over, transforming any space into their personal gym.
Leading the charge is Jack, who knocks out a solid 10 pull-ups without breaking a sweat. Right behind him is Adeline, showing her own pull-up skills, while Carolina is working on hanging like a pro (with a little less gymnastics, a little more swing set vibe). Then there’s Lorelei, strapping on ankle weights and adding an extra level of difficulty, turning every leg lift into a full-body event. And, as parents, we’re just hoping to keep up!
The first rule? No scaling the walls while hanging. The second rule? Don’t release the tension bar. We’ve had a few heart-stopping moments when someone thought a quick jump down sounded fun but forgot that, mid-hang, gravity has some serious power. After one or two close calls, we’ve made “no catastrophic backflops” the unofficial family motto.
Yes, it takes up space in the car, but the pull-up bar is non-negotiable. It doubles as a hanging rack for grocery bags when we need to restock food and load in the back of a tight car. And it’s the key to burning off energy and keeping the gymnastics skills strong—even when we’re far from a gym.