Rediscovering America: An Introduction

After nearly five years in Australia, we are back on American soil, setting off on a road trip to reconnect with the country that most of our children have lived outside for most of their lives. Our purpose is both light-hearted and intentional:  to explore how Americans govern themselves, innovate, engage with nature, and express who we are. We want our kids to understand not just the history and places but also the people, experiencing America’s breadth and depth.

Along the way, we’re reconnecting with family and friends, reminding our kids of our roots across different chapters of life. We joke that part of our mission is to prove we actually do have friends—some from way back and others more recent. But beyond these goals, this trip is about being together and embracing each moment. We have a purpose and a broad plan, but we keep logistics flexible, adjusting our course every 24 to 48 hours as new curiosities arise. It’s a time to be in the moment, to learn patience, and to appreciate the shared experience of rediscovering the country and connections that we call home.


Spindrift: The Road Trip “Mocktail”